Friday, October 21, 2011

Week 2 III: Flash Gordon

This week we introduce yet another new artist, Julian aka Jewelz. The sketches he showed me previous to creating this masterpiece all involved superheroes and 8 bit Nintendo images. This speaks highly to my interest as currently I find myself indulging more and more into the comic book realm. Yes there are a few of you out there who think because I am not collegiately versed in every comic ever created, I should therefore not have a voice in the matter. Since this is my blog, piss off haters!

Anyways, back to the context at hand, Julian chose the Flash Gordon symbol for his Bald Spot debut. Unable to find a white Sharpie, he improvised a bit with the red. For those of you unfamiliar with Flash Gordon, he was a science fiction hero originally drawn by Alex Raymond in 1934. The symbol is highly recognizable even if you are unfamiliar with the comic and Shaquille O'neal popularized the icon when he gave Dwyane Wade the pet name "Flash" during their time together playing for the Heat.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Week 1 III: "You don't want to wear a red shirt..."

Welcome to the Bald Spot revival! To celebrate, I brought in a new artist, the very talented vieographer/photog Paul Brooks. The truth is I didn't have some grand  renaissance planned, Paul and I simply were drunk one night, I let him shave half my head, and then he wanted to draw on it. In the end thou I think it all worked out.

So this week, I am donning the Star Trek symbol. Paul said it was very important I point out it is on a red shirt and "you're gonna die!" (direct quote via email) Apparently in fiction "redshirt" refers to a stock character who will soon die. This originated from Star Trek fans because the Starfleet security officers wore red shirts and died frequently.

I'm sure I've pissed off a Trekki out there with my explanation and someone will probably correct me. Hopefully my one follower is not a die hard fan.

Thank you Paul and I am sure you will all see more of his work here in the future!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bald Spot is back!

So, I know it's been a while. Took a little vacation (me, not the bald spot). I thought maybe some hair would be growing back at this point but luckily its still smooth and hairless. I will be posting again starting tomorrow for that one follower out there. Thanks for hanging in there buddy!

Here's a little treat until then. My favorite balding creature.

(A bald eagle...get it?)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Week 4 II: Hammer & Sickle

This week we are introducing a new artist/rebel with a cause, Natasha Calovic (aka Nat von C.)

For the one follower of this blog, let me "crack an egg of knowledge"** on your head about the hammer & sickle symbol. Associated with the Communism Party, the tools represent the unity between agriculture & industry. It's a symbol we often see on the Soviet Union flag with the Red Star.

To get a better idea as to why this week's artist chose this symbol for her Bald Spot debut, I've provided a photo below. Watch out Democracy, Nat von C. is on the loose!

Nat von C.

**Charlie Kelly; It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, "The Gang Goes Jihad"; Season 2: Episode 2

Friday, August 26, 2011

Week 3 II: Tiny Antlers

This week we introduced a new artist to the crew, Laura English. She sketched up these adorable antlers with a small bow, two of my current obsessions. Thanks lovely lady, I'm sure we will be seeing more of her whimsical doodles in the future.

Natasha posing with my antler decor. Now we just need to throw some bows on it. (photo by Paul Brooks)  

Friday, August 19, 2011

Week 2 II: Walk Like An Egyptian

Coming back with another Calhoon classic. This week "Coral" suprised me with a paint brush dripping with (washable) gold paint. I feel like an old school baller, evoking a hint of Dennis Rodman's golden locks. The egyptian eye also reminds me of Rasheed Wallace's Pharoah Ahkenaten and Nefertiti arm tat. Ballin'!

  Left: 'Sheed as a Piston, the way it should always be. Right: Rodman!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Week 1 II: No Zebras

As promised, the Bald Spot is back, bringing delight and joy to all who enjoy photos of decorated bald spots. There has to be a market for this. For this week's show, I asked my talented photog friend Cara (aka Coral) Calhoon to add a little flava to this vast and bare oasis.

As soon as I saw her design, I was reminded of the "No Zebras" program we had in college. When I Googled it, only C[entral]M[ichigan]U[niversity] showed up, so I'm pretty sure we we're the only students tortured with this ridiculousness. The main point of the presentation was to not be a bystander when someone is getting raped. I'm glad we had a two hour seminar to clarify this.

Anywho, thank you Cara. I promise you all you will be seeing more of her artwork as we've been cooking up some tasty treats!